Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Breathing Partition

Between two walls
An armful of smoky air
Substitutes what would be matter

With barely the room
For an elbow, an ankle
Shrunken candles,
deformed by time
Shed tentative light
Upon a delightful lack of

There is only sound
The organic strobe of flame
Lapping at reality
Until the tiny bowl
is finally empty
And yearning
To be filled anew

With rumbling gears
Dancing to the
Flutter of fanciful gaiety
Both ends of the
Black and white keyboard
Cease to oppose
And blend into jive

Within a dark bubble
Eyes need not see
Scent climbs mysteriously
As creaking pipes
Add charm
To the dominion
Blissfully invisible

Behind the scenes
A gruff flourish
A stubborn whimsy
Concoct imaginings
Alone together
Elements are
Faithfully replenished

Cramped but resilient
Two voices form a duet
At the heart of the city

Jennifer Burnside


  1. luv the candle image; and other interesting images in this piece
    have a good week
    much love...

  2. "..... a delightful lack of / movement" love this slice of happiness :)
